• Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers in source-code from the broken state TypeScript's compiler (tsc) required (prior TypeScript v5.7 RC) into proper ones. This is useful when source-code is processed by standards-compliant software like Node.js. This is a one-and-done process, and the updated source-code should be committed to your version control (ex git); thereafter, source-code import statements should be authored compliant with the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard.

  • React 17 Default Props To Params


    This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.

  • Remix Js/V2/Nodejs Module Exports Server Build Directory To Path

    In your remix.config.js, rename serverBuildDirectory to serverBuildPath and specify a module path, not a directory.

  • Node/Globmatch Native

    This codemod automates the migration of glob-matching functions like minimatch, micromatch, and picomatch to Node.js's native matchesGlob support in LTS version 20.17.0.

  • Elasticsearch/8/Unify Return Value

    This codemod updates the API response structure for search calls, replacing the previous body-only return with an object containing additional fields like statusCode, headers, and warnings

  • Elasticsearch/8/Rename Query String

    This codemod renames the query key to querystring and changes the body key to bulkBody in client.transport.request.

  • Elasticsearch/8/Move Client Configurations

    This codemod moves the client-related configuration parameters (ignore, headers, requestTimeout, and maxRetries) from the API object to the second options object.

  • Npm Esm First In Exports

    Sort package.json export order to prefer ESM over CJS

  • @E18e/Split Lines


  • @E18e/Index Of


  • Sql/Add Index Before Select

    Example of using codemod that changes SQL. It detects all SELECT statements and adds an index creation statement before them. Inside SELECT statement for any fields that ends with _id it creates an index on that field.

  • Python/Orjson/Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade json to orjson in your python projects.

  • React Router/4/Index Route

    Replace IndexRoute with Route having exact prop set to true.